Specialized Archive Links
You can report broken/changed links, or suggest a new one, via e-mail. Thanks to the Reocities project, some of the sites are still accessible, albeit with different formatting and multiple ads, but they're still there. Any totally missing links are still being worked on and will be added as they become available.
Updated December 2014 ~
indicates both newly added sites and updated URLs
Alternate Universes
- Alternate Season 8
- Alternate Universe Archive
- Historical Alternate Universe fics
- Phantasy Files
Angst All Around: last updated in 1999.
- Gertie's Romantic/Angst X-Files
The Emergency Room: based on the Mulder Torture Anonymous injuries lists.
- Deep Background: timelines, characters and other things you should know.
fran58's Fanfiction Addiction on Wayback: promoting newer and lesser-known writers.
- Working Stiffs: articles about writing, author interviews.
- The X-Files Lexicon: episode guides, info on the FBI, character dossiers.
- The X-Files Timeline: for your continuity needs.
Authors' Home Pages
- The FanFic Corner: sites for abracadabra, Lovesfox, mortis, Spooky's Girl, & Virtie
- Keep The Faith Author Links
- LA-X-Files Fanfiction Archive: stories by a group of authors, plus their recommendations.
- Literati: Fiction by Deslea: also includes a video archive.
Musea: author sites for Cameo, Diana Battis, Blackwood, Forte, Mish, mountainphile, & Audrey Roget.
- Take Me to Your Leader: home of Ashlea Ensro, Firephile, Anna Otto, Danielle Leigh & Maraschino
- Words in Rows: home of Ravenwald, Glover, & Wylfcynne.
- Xanadu Yellow Pages: sites for Alelou, Catwoman, Noelle Leithe, Lisa, Lysandra, Lysistrata, Madeleine, Marasmus, Pebbles, Rocketman, & shannono.
- The X-Files Fanfic Author Pages: all the authors we could find who still have sites open.
- X-Files Authors & Sites on Live Journal
XPhilefic.com Authors: links to multiple author pages.
- Spooky Awards: 1995-2005
- True Blue Challenge: NC-17 challenge.
- The Nursery Files
Fandomonium X-Files Fanfic Challenges: post-ep fics, baby fics, and voyeur fics based on challenges at Fandomonium.
The Nursery Files Challenges: challenges involving kids for various genres and holidays.
- True Blue Challenge: NC-17 challenge.
- X-Infinitum: monthly fic challenges that go beyond the show.
- X-Philes Finis Romantics Society Vault Fan Fic Challenges
- X-Files Porn Battle: on Live Journal.
- The Scully Family Album: compiled links for the whole Scully family plus distant relations.
- Bill Scully Jr.
- Bill Scully Sr.
- Charles Scully
- Maggie Scully
- Matthew Scully
- Melissa Scully
- Chemical Reaction: Skinner/Doggett slash.
- Dogg-Eared: a John Doggett fanfiction archive.
- Doggett Torture Anonymous
- The In-Box: Doggett Fic Recommendations - incorporated into the Dogg-Eared site.
- The Unnamed Dippett Archive: Scully/Doggett romance fics.
- The Vision: Doggett/Reyes.
- X-Files Funny Fiction Site
- The X-Files Most Unwanted: Doggett and/or Reyes fic.
- All Things Rat (only available through Wayback)
- mk-slash: Mulder/Krycek archive.
- RATales: Krycek fanfic through Wayback.
- The Return of Skipper Fic: Scully/Krycek fics.
- Skipper Tales: Scully/Krycek fics.
- SKSA: Skinner/Krycek archive.
- TER/MA: Mulder/Krycek archive.
Lone Gunmen
- CounterMeasures: The Lone Gunmen Fanfiction Archive
- Odd Men Out: Lone Gunmen fanfic
- The Beehive
- mk-slash: Mulder/Krycek archive.
Mulder in Jeopardy: all Mulder Torture, all the time.
- TER/MA: Mulder/Krycek archive.
- Phoebe Green Task Force
- The Vision: Doggett/Reyes.
- The X-Files Most Unwanted: Doggett and/or Reyes fic.
The G-Woman's Bookcase on Wayback
- Scully Slash
- ScullySlash Story Archive
- The Return of Skipper Fic: Scully/Krycek fics.
- Skipper Tales: Scully/Krycek fics.
- The Unnamed Dippett Archive: Scully/Doggett romance fics.
- Chemical Reaction: Skinner/Doggett slash.
- From the Desk of Kimberly Cook: the home of Skinner's secretary & Skinner/Kim Romance.
- Sisters In Smut: Skinnerotica.
- SKSA: Skinner/Krycek archive.
- Skinner/Scully Romance Archive
- Skinnerific!: selected Skinner stories. He's not necessarily the lead character in each, but does play at least a significant role.
- WalterTorture: The Archive of Suffering Skinner.
Jeffrey Spender
- The Ferret Cage: Jeffrey Spender archive via Wayback.
General Archives
Crossroads: a multi-fandom archive on Wayback.
EMXC: resurrected archive with some hard-to-find fics.
- Ephemeral
- FanFiction.Net: stories for many shows.
- Fanficx Archive: archives fanfic sent to the fanficx mailing list.
- Fugues in the Key of X: multi-fandom archive containing some of the classic XF stories.
- Gossamer
- Keep the Faith
- Primal Screamers
- X-Philes Finis Romantics Society Literary Vault
Message Boards
- Idealists' Haven Boards: you will need to register in order to view the forums.
- The X-Files Lost and Found: the place to go when you've lost a fic and need help finding it.
- Lost & Found Message Board FAQ: lists of titles organized by categories and themes.
- Gertie's Romantic/Angst X-Files
- Greasy Spoon: Mulder/Scully romance stories to satisfy the most discriminating readers.
- Hiraeth Archive: hiraeth is a Welsh word loosely translated to 'intense longing'
- Manipulations by Fiona: lovely manips and collages.
- The Salvation Archive: all MSR stories.
- The Truth and the Light: MSR first-time fics.
- Under the Covers: a collection of MSR stories in which our favorite FBI agents go undercover...and find each other in the process.
- After the Fact: Post-episode stories.
- Beyond 44:58: post-ep archive.
Fandomonium Virtual Seasons of Smut: post-ep smut fics based on challenges at Fandomonium.
Further Explorations: post-ep archive on Wayback
- Lisa's Post-ep Palace
- Pic Fic Archive: fics based around the second movie.
- Previous eXcursions: pre-XF stories. Last updated Dec. 2001.
- Pre-XF archive: stories that take place before M&S joined the X-Files.
- afterglow: x-files fanfic suggestions
Brandon Ray's Fanfic Recommendations
- Enigmatic Dr's Fanfic Favorites
- Fred and Ginger's Smut Classics: recommendations from shannono & Brandon Ray.
- Greasy Spoon: Mulder/Scully romance stories to satisfy the most discriminating readers.
- The In-Box: Doggett Fic Recommendations - incorporated into the Dogg-Eared site.
- In Our Humble Opinion
- In the Borderlands of the Yeti
- Lara's Favorites
- The Map Room: recs for fics where all, or a substantial portion, of the story takes place outside of the Washington, DC area.
Musea: recommendations.
- The Naked Eye: recommendations
- The Other Side
- A Pistol Hot Cup of Rhyme
- Primal Screamers Fic of the Week
- Project Plop: humor recommendations.
- Raiders of the Lost Fanfic: recommendations of older stories (pre-1999).
- Skinnerific!: selected Skinner stories. He's not necessarily the lead character in each, but does play at least a significant role.
- The Winners' Circle: authors and stories and links, oh my!
- X-plicit Disclosures: angst, conspiracies and the finer things in life.
- Autumn Tysko's Reviews: episode reviews, character bios, and lots of other fun XF tidbits.
- Gary the Grey's X-Files Nest
- TXF Sayonara Support Group FanFics
- Wicked X Witches: the controversial site featuring no-holds-barred critiques of fanfic that the witches consider to be especially bad.
- The Basement at Squidge
- Chemical Reaction: Skinner/Doggett slash.
- Down in the Basement...
: now called The Basement at Squidge.
- mk-slash: Mulder/Krycek archive.
- Scully Slash
- ScullySlash Story Archive
- SKSA: Skinner/Krycek archive.
- Slipper Archive: slash with rating of PG-13 or lower.
- TER/MA: Mulder/Krycek archive.
- Dana's Erotica
- The Dark Place: fics you wouldn't want your friends to know you wrote--or read.
Fandomonium Virtual Seasons of Smut: post-ep smut fics based on challenges at Fandomonium.
- Fred and Ginger's Smut Classics: recommendations from shannono & Brandon Ray.
- League of 'Bations: all 'bation fics, all the time. NC-17 archive
Millennium Smut: all NC-17, all the time.
- Sisters In Smut: Skinnerotica.
SMUTfic General Store on Wayback
- Under the Covers: a collection of MSR stories in which our favorite FBI agents go undercover...and find each other in the process.
- WetFic!: fics that feature showers, baths, swimming, and general wet fun.
- Whispers of X
XFSM: graphic BDSM sex between consenting adults in various sexual combinations.
- X-Files Porn Battle: on Live Journal.
- X-plicit Disclosures: angst, conspiracies and the finer things in life.
- Filking Through the Conspiracies of Life: last updated 2002.
Virtual Episodes
- Alternate Season 8: rewriting of the season 8 episodes.
- The IMTP Virtual Seasons
- X-Files Virtual Seasons
Miscellaneous Archives
- 155 Words: VERY short stories.
Agents in Peril: kidnapped/in peril/held hostage stories.
- The Animal Files: stories involving animals.
- The Annex: novel-length works.
- Batter Up!: baseball-themed fanfic.
- Blindfic: stories about temporary and permanent character blindness.
- Bump in the Night: an archive of Halloween fics and other scary stories.
- The Chris Carter Fan Fiction Archive (Only available through Wayback)
- Colonization archive
- Colonization Headquarters: The date is set.
- Cult of the Jebuslug: fanfic about the slug featured in "Roadrunners."
- Fics Made For Each Other: an archive for series, WIPs, and companion pieces - fics that were literally made for each other.
The Emergency Room: based on the Mulder Torture Anonymous injuries lists.
Endangered Fics: those hard-to-find fics that drive us crazy.
- The "I" in FBI: the casefile & profiler fanfic archive.
Legendary Creatures: ghoulies and beasties and things that go bump in the night.
- Oncology Ward Fan Fiction: ScullyCancer stories. No longer being updated, and many links are broken.
- Roads Less Traveled: stories that are difficult to classify.
- Third Person POV: stories told through a third character's eyes.
- Time Travel Archive
- The Truth Distorted: stories in which either Mulder or Scully is in the Consortium.
- Two Close For Comfort: Stuck-Fic archive
- We are not who we are: stories in which the Good Guys decide to visit the Dark Side.
- WetFic!: fics that feature showers, baths, swimming, and general wet fun.
XF Fics To Go: stories formatted for digital devices.
- Xmas Files: Christmas-themed fanfic.
XPhilefic.com: links to archives, authors, & frequently-requested stories.